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Registration / Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar 2021

09 novembre 2021 Conférence
Vue 316 fois

Franco-German Fiscal Policy Seminar 2021


Registration here


Tuesday, November 9 

  • 14:00 Welcome addresses
                 Agnès Bénassy-Quéré (French Treasury and Paris School of Economics)
                 Jakob von Weizsäcker (German Federal Ministry of Finance)
  • 14:30 Keynote lecture: The anatomy of the global savings glut
    Keynote speaker: Moritz Schularick (Sciences Po and University of Bonn)
  • 16:00 Session 1 – The covid crisis unfolding
                  Chair: Essi Eerola (VATT Institute for Economic Research)

Wednesday, November 10

  • 09:00 Session 2 – Debt overhang
                 Chair: Sébastien Jean (CEPII)
  • 10:50 Session 3 – Sovereign interest rate
                 Chair: Aitor Erce (Universidad Pública de Navarra) 
  • 14:00 Session 4 – Fiscal stabilization
                 Chair: Agnès Bénassy-Quéré (French Treasury and Paris School of Economics)
  • 16:30 Session 5 – Strengthening the resilience of the EMU to future shocks
                  Chair: Xavier Jaravel (London School of Economics)


See the detailed program attached



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