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Call for Papers Impact Evaluation May 2020

15 février 2020 Call for papers
Vue 56 fois

The Research Institute for Development, Growth and Economics (RIDGE) and Universidad del Pacífico are pleased to announce a call for papers for the 13 th Annual Meeting of the Impact Evaluation Network (IEN) of LACEA to be held in Lima, Perú, on 19-20 May 2020.

The deadline for submission is February 15, 2020 (12 AM ET).

The Network is seeking papers that use impact evaluation techniques applied to programs or policies, with priority given to evaluations in countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. We also welcome methodological papers advancing the state of knowledge of program evaluation techniques

The 2020 workshop will take place within the framework of the 2020 RIDGE May Forum along with the following workshops:

- LACEA Health Economics Network, 18-19 May, Lima
- LACEA Labor Network, 18-19 May, Lima
- Public Economics, 18-19 May, Lima
- The Political Economy of Conflict and Crime, 20 May, Lima
- LACEA NIP Inequality & Poverty, 20-21 May, Lima
- LACEA BRAIN, 20-22 May, Montevideo
- LACEA-PEG Political Economy, 21-22 May, Lima

The RIDGE forums aim at the spreading of high quality research in economics by bringing together prestigious researchers working on the frontier of knowledge to local and regional researchers and policymakers. RIDGE is an initiative of the International Economic Association.

To view the program of previous workshops please visit:
Participants to this workshop are welcome to attend the other workshops.

Paper Submission
Full papers, written in English, must be submitted for consideration for the meeting. The cover page should include: the title of the paper, institutional affiliation, including address, phone and email of each author and an abstract with the appropriate JEL classification.

Full papers, in PDF format, should be submitted online via the RIDGE website:

Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission: February 15, 2020 (12 AM ET)
Notification of organizers decision: March 23, 2020

Further Information

Should you have any questions please contact: or visit

Accommodation expenses will be covered for all paper presenters. We have a limited amount of budget available to partially cover travel expenses. Please indicate in your application whether you will require funding from the IEN for travel expenses.

Organizing committee
Ana Balsa, U de Montevideo
Marcelo Bergolo, UDELAR
Matias Busso, IADB
Carlos Casas, Universidad del Pacífico
Guillermo Cruces (UNLP-CEDLAS, University of Nottingham)
Claudio Ferraz, University of British Columbia and PUC-Rio
Alvaro Forteza, UDELAR
Omar Licandro, U Nottingham
Oswaldo Molina, Universidad del Pacífico
Oscar Mitnik, IADB
Ricardo Perez-Truglia (UCLA)
Nelson Ramírez-Rondán, Universidad del Pacífico
Sergio Urzua, U Maryland
Juan Vargas, U del Rosario
Diego Winkelried, Universidad del Pacífico

For more information about RIDGE see


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