Special issue of "Région et Développement" magazine
The journal "Région et Développement" is organizing a special issue on Elderly Economics - Silver Economy.
In recent decades, the average age of the population in many OECD countries has significantly increased, resulting in a demographic shift where the population of retirees surpasses that of individuals under 18. The economic impact of the elderly has also seen a substantial rise. As a consequence, the field of elderly economics has experienced significant growth. Some studies focus on the economic behavior of the elderly population, exploring aspects such as location choices, consumption preferences, and dependence on public services. Other studies highlight the productive economy's role in meeting the demands of the elderly, ranging from innovations in specific equipment tailored for the elderly to the development of proximity services.
The objective of this special issue is to compile a series of original papers on elderly economics. Proposals should be submitted to Professor Michel Dimou(dimou@univ-tln.fr) and regiondev@univ-tln.fr before June 1, 2024. Papers may be submitted in either French or English. For detailed submission guidelines, please visit the journal's website: https://regionetdeveloppement.univ-tln.fr/
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