Economics and Statistics / Economie et Statistique
Appel à contributions pour une série spéciale d'articles sur l'éducation et la formation / Call for papers for aspecial series of articles on education and training
Special series of articles on education and training
The journal Economie et Statistique/Economics and Statistics would like to devote a series of thematic dossiers to education and training issues.
Submissions are invited by June1, 2024. Submissions will be evaluated on an ongoing basis, and accepted articles will be published online in advance of their inclusion in a thematic issue.
Download the call for submissions
Special series of articles oneducation and training
The journal Economie et Statistique/Economics and Statistics will devote a series of articles to education and training.
Submissions are expected until1st June 2024. They will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and accepted papers will be published online in advance of their inclusion in an issue, as part of thematic sections.
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