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REP special issue - 2022 AFSE Congress

30 septembre 2022 Call for papers
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AFSE 2022 annual Congress - Special issue in Revue d'Economie Politique

Submission Guidelines for the special issue in Revue d'Economie Politique (REP,


Submissions to this special issue must be made by September 30, 2022.


A submission must be in english and must be for the paper presented at the conference or an updated version of this paper. Only original papers will be reviewed and the article submitted must not be simultaneously under consideration at another journal.


Submissions should not in any case exceed 60 000 characters (including spaces, punctuation, tables and figures), which corresponds to 20 printed pages. Footnotes and references should be in the style of REP. The abstract should be around 200 words long, and not contain figures, tables or equations.


The classical REP reviewing process will apply: all submissions are sent double-blind to two reviewers. One reviewer will be chosen by REP and one reviewer will be chosen by the AFSE 2022 scientific committee. Following the reviewers' reports, the editors may ask for a revision. This revision should be resubmitted to the Journal within three months, and will be sent back to the two original referees. After an article is definitively accepted, the authors will receive a set of proofs, which should be returned corrected within five days. No further corrections to the original text will be accepted at this stage.


How to submit to the special issue:


Submission is electronic. Two PDF documents should be sent to the address

The first PDF document should contain:
- A front page with the names, addresses and contact details of all the authors, and the paper's title. In the case of multiple authorship, indicate the corresponding author;
- A page containing the abstract in both English and French, keywords in both English and French, and JEL codes.
The second PDF document should include only the title and the text of the paper.


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