Lauréates du Prix de Thèse de l'AFSE 2018
This 2018 AFSE PhD Prize has been awarded to Clémentine Van Effenterre for her thesis entitled “Essays on gender norms and inequality”, conducted at Paris School of Economics under the supervision of Thomas Piketty. The jury was impressed by the quality and originality of the work carried out, regarding both its purpose and the methodology used, since the thesis notably aims at explaining the mechanisms of segregation related to gender by the preferences of women themselves. The subject is also a hot-debated topic, and greatly contributes to ongoing debates on inequalities.
The very high quality of the theses submitted also led the jury to award two special mentions (in alphabetical order):
- Marion Dupoux for her thesis entitled “Structure of preferences, decision-making and the environment. Theoretical and experimental approaches”, conducted at the University of Paris Nanterre under the supervision of Alain Ayong Le Kama and Vincent Martinet. This thesis honors the field of environmental economics by seeking to help decision-making vis-à-vis projects having environmental impacts. In addition to the high quality of the work, the jury also appreciated the candidate’s desire to draw economic policy recommendations from her theoretical models and results.
- Justine Pedrono for her thesis entitled “Banking stability and currency diversification”, conducted at Aix Marseille School of Economics under the supervision of Agnès Bénassy-Quéré* and Patrick Pintus. Again, beyond the quality of the thesis, the jury was impressed by its originality since the literature on the role of internationalization of bank balance sheets in the stability of banks is still scarce. The thesis also harmoniously mixes theoretical and empirical approaches, with the aim of delivering some recommendations in terms of regulation.
By awarding the AFSE Prize and the Special Mentions to three female economists, this 2018 vintage of prize demonstrates the potential of young women researchers to take a major role in our profession. The jury wishes them all the success they deserve for their future careers.
* Note: Agnès Bénassy-Quéré did not participate in the AFSE jury discussion and vote on Justine’s thesis.
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