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Call for Papers/Workshop on Empirical Monetary Economics 2018, December 3-4

15 septembre 2018 Call for papers
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Workshop on Empirical Monetary Economics 2018

December 3-4, 2018

OFCE, research center in economics of Sciences Po
10 place de Catalogne, 75014 Paris
Paris, France


The purpose of this workshop is to provide the opportunity to discuss and promote topical empirical research related to all areas of monetary economics. Some particularly relevant topics are:

The domestic and international transmission channels and macroeconomic effects of both conventional and unconventional monetary policies
→ Policy implementation, communication strategies, the role of expectations and forward guidance
→ Risks associated to the normalization of monetary policy
→ Central bank design, goals, monetary policy tools, accountability and interaction with fiscal policy
→ Financial stability, the interaction between monetary policy, macro- and micro-prudential tools
→ Market structures, regulation and the conduct of monetary policy
→ Central banking and long-term challenges (digital currencies, secular stagnation, inequality)

Keynote speakers
- Silvana Tenreyro (London School of Economics & Bank of England)
- Martin Uribe (Columbia University)

Please submit a full paper in PDF format to The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2018. Decisions will be notified before end of October 2018.

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