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38th GDRE Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance

25 février 2022 Call for papers
Vue 131 fois

University of Strasbourg, 23 & 24 juin 2022



We welcome submissions of research papers on the list of topics:

  • Banking ; crowdfunding 
  • Finance ; fintechs ; crypto-assets
  • Monetary, fiscal and mixed policies
  • Monetary theory, payment systems, money demand and price
  • Stability and banking risks, Liquidity and contagion, Prudential regulation
  • Competition and mergers in banking sector
  • Governance and financing of non-financial companies, Venture capital
  • Credit, asset prices and Economic cycles
  • Financial Systems ; Growth and economic development
  • Exchange rates, Trade and capital flows
  • International monetary system and Financial crises
  • Market Finance, Behavioral Finance, Funds and portfolio management
  • Monetary and financial history ; Cliometry
  • Pension funding and Insurance
  • Green Finance ; Ecological transition funding
  • Banking inclusion ; Mutualist banking; Micro-credit ; Social and solidarity finance
  • Fiscal rules, fiscal discipline, fiscal federalism, automatic stabilization


A complete paper in English in pdf format must be submitted electronically before February 25th, 2022 at Decisions will be notified by mid-April 2022.

All the details can be found attached.



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