2nd edition of the International Conference "Environmental Economics: a Focus on Natural Resources"
Keynote Speakers
Lucas Bretschger (ETH Zurich)
Richard Tol (University of Sussex)
Anastasios Xepapadeas (Athens University of Economics and Business and University of Bologna)
Submission of Papers
Papers should be submitted to: confenvironment2020@univ-orleans.fr
The new deadline for paper submission is March 2nd, 2020.Conference Objectives
The Conference will provide an opportunity for scholars interested in Environmental and Resources Economics to discuss their research and to exchange ideas.
Researchers are invited to submit both empirical and theoretical papers from all fields in Environmental and Resources Economics. For example, we will welcome papers related to the following non-exhaustive list of topics:
- Local impact of natural resources extraction
- Trade and the environment
- Natural resource curse and blessing
- Environmental regulation
- Recycling
- Circular economy
- Conflicts and natural resources
- Households adaptation to climate change
- International environmental agreements
- Energy and renewable energy
- Environment and development
- Pollution
There is no registration fee.
However, participants must register for this event, by March 10, 2020.Location
The conference will take place at the following address:
Université d'Orléans
LEO (Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orléans) - CNRS
Faculté de Droit, d’Economie et de Gestion
Rue de Blois, BP 267.39
Publication of Papers
A selection of papers presented at the conference will be proposed for publication to an international journal. The conference organizers will contact you about this publication possibility.
Important Dates
- Submission date: March 2nd, 2020
- Authors' notification: Early March, 2020
- Registration: March 10, 2020
- Conference dates: April 1-2, 2020
Further Information
Questions may be directed to the local conference organizers: confenvironment2020@univorleans.fr
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