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Environmental economics: a focus on natural resources

28 février 2022 Call for papers
Vue 144 fois

7-8 April 2022

Organized by LEO - Laboratoire d’Economie d’Orléans (University of Orleans) LABEX VOLTAIRE - University of Orleans (France)

Supported by INFER – International Network For Economic Research



Keynote Speakers

Astrid Dannenberg (University of Kassel)

Robert Elliott (University of Birmingham)

Steven Poelhekke (University of Auckland)


Submission of Papers

Only full papers may be submitted, preferably in pdf-format.

Papers should be submitted to:

The extended deadline for paper submission is February 28th 2022.

Special sessions proposals need to be submitted by February 18th 2022.

Each proposal should include three full papers that are linked to the same topic.



Full details attached

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