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Revue de l'OFCE - Call for papers "Dynamics of African growth" issue

15 April 2025 Call for papers
Viewed 299 times

OFCE Review

Call for papers thematic issue

"Dynamics of African Growth

Following the "Dynamics of African Growth" conference, organized on September 26 and 27, 2024 in Paris by OFCE (Sciences Po) and IFC (World Bank Group), the Revue de l'OFCE is launching a call for contributions. All proposals for articles on the historical and contemporary dynamics of African economic growth are welcome, including multidisciplinary approaches (economics, history, demography, sociology, etc.), and more specifically on the four main themes of the conference:

  1. Growth dynamics in Africa: growth, crises and resilience

Growth and macroeconomic volatility. How does the growth of the early 2000s redefine the issue of convergence? What are the levers of resilience in the face of the current superposition of global crises?

  1. Measuring growth

Domestic macroeconomic statistics and cross-border trade statistics produced by national and international organizations. Which indicators? What are the issues involved in defining public policy? What are the implications for access to external financing?

  1. Identifying the determinants of growth

Theoretical and empirical modeling. What are the channels through which international shocks are transmitted? What impact does the governance of public and private structures have? How can we model the relationship between the sustainability of public finances and social and health policies? What are the effects of ongoing changes in the trade and financial framework (FTAA, Franc zone, etc.)?

  1. Growth scenarios

National and regional growth trajectories, sectoral growth trajectories. What diversification/specialization for economic transition? What are the favorable and unfavorable effects of migration? What kind of agriculture for food security? How should the financial and technology sectors develop and what are the challenges?

Languages: French or English

Instructions to authors: link here

Submission procedure: Articles submitted will undergo an evaluation process according to the following schedule:

1) Submission deadline: April 15, 2025 (send article to and, specifying the title of the thematic issue)

2) Replies to authors after evaluation by referees: July 15, 2025

3) Revised version sent: October 15, 2025

4) Further corrections and dispatch of final version: December 15, 2025

5) Publication of thematic issue:1st quarter 2026.

Scientific Committee: Cécile Bastidon (LEAD, Université de Toulon and CAC-IXXI, Institut des Systèmes Complexes, Lyon), Antoine Bouët (CEPII & U. Bordeaux), Cheikh Tidiane Ndiaye (Université Gaston Berger, Senegal), Bruno Emmanuel Ongo Nkoa (Université de Yaoundé 2, Cameroun), Constant Ouattara (LEAD, Université de Toulon), Xavier Ragot (OFCE-Sciences Po & CNRS), Mary-Françoise Renard (CERDI, University of Clermont-Ferrand), Vincent Touzé (OFCE-Sciences Po), Nadège Yameogo (IFC / World Bank Group), Chahir Zaki (LEO, University of Orléans).

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