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Banque de France doctoral scholarships

01 April 2024 Various
Viewed 708 times

The Banque de France will be awarding doctoral scholarships in economics in 2024 for students starting their 4th year of thesis in 2024-2025, or students on doctoral contracts in 2024-2025.

Two schemes are open:

  • 2 grants exclusively for doctoral students in central banking fields of interest
  • 1 grant for doctoral students on a specific theme for 2024-2025.

Applications must be submitted by April 1, 2024.

Details are given below.

The Banque de France is launching an annual scholarship scheme for female doctoral students completing their theses in economics.

These scholarships aim to remedy the current situation in which women are less present than men in the upper echelons of research and higher education careers, particularly in the fields of macroeconomics and finance.

They aim to encourage women to enter the economics profession, by enabling them to complete their doctorates in the best possible conditions, to produce original research of interest to central banks, and to disseminate this work more widely with a view to their future careers.

The scholarships are offered for the academic year 2024-2025. They are intended for doctoral students who will then be pursuing their 4th year thesis at a doctoral school in France. For the 2024-2025 academic year, they must receive remuneration in the form of an Allocation Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche (ATER). The scholarships are also open to young graduates who will be on a post-doctoral contract at an academic institution in France for 2024-2025.

Each grant is worth €10k, non-renewable. It is paid to the winners on a personal basis (and not to the laboratory to which they may be attached) to enable them to cover mission expenses, database purchases, childcare costs, etc.

It is also associated with :

    • a mentoring program provided by Banque de France economists (career guidance, information on conferences where their work can be presented, etc.);
    • access to Banque de France data;
    • integration into a research team for a short period of at least 15 days.

The Banque de France will give priority to doctoral candidates whose work falls within the fields of interest to central banks: monetary economics, financial stability, wage and inflation dynamics, forecasting methods, growth and productivity, international economics, climate change and biodiversity.

Two grants exclusively for female doctoral students are open in 2024. Applications must be sent to by April 1, 2024, together with the full application form, details of which are given below.

The selection jury is made up of economists and researchers from the Banque de France. After interviewing the candidates, a short list of potential laureates will be drawn up by May 31, 2024, and the candidates on this list will be informed individually. The grant will be awarded by July 31 at the latest, subject to the submission of an ATER or post-doctoral contract covering the academic year 2024-2025.

Application form

  • CV
  • Cover letter describing thesis work
  • Letter of recommendation from thesis supervisor
  • If applicable: copy of ATER or post-doctoral contract for 2024-2025.

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