3rd annual RENEL chair conference in Metz - 14/06/2024
Dear colleagues,
The Natural Resources and Local Economy Chair ( [ http://www.chaire-renel.fr/ | www.chaire-renel.fr ] ) of the University of Lorraine and BETA is organizing its 3rd annual conference in Metz on Friday June 14, 2024 . This conference on the economics of natural resources and energy will feature a morning lecture on sustainable mobility, followed by an afternoon of parallel sessions featuring presentations and discussions of academic papers. A cocktail reception will close the conference. The conference is free of charge.
If you would like to propose a paper, the deadline is March 11, 2024 (reply by the end of March). You must apply (an abstract will suffice) on the sciencesconf website.
If you only wish to take part in the conference, you can register now via the sciences conf website (attention, places are limited!).
A special issue of the Revue d'Économie Industrielle will follow the conference. We particularly encourage young doctors and PhD students to take part.
For further information, visit [ https://conferencerenel2024.sciencesconf.org/ | https://conferencerenel2024.sciencesconf.org ]
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Don't hesitate to spread the word!
Best regards,
The conference organizing committee
[ http://www.chaire-renel.fr/ | www.chaire-renel.fr ]
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