Annual Conference INFER 2020: June 3th- 5th, 2020 Paris
The 2020 Annual Conference will be jointly organized by INFER (International Network For Economic Research) and the CEPN (Centre d'Economie de Paris Nord) University Paris 13 in June 2020 (3th- 5th) in the Campus Condorcet in Paris.
Conference Objectives:
The INFER Annual Conference is the main annual event of the International Network for Economic Research (
The INFER Annual Conference provides a great opportunity for members and non-members of INFER alike to exchange ideas and to discuss results from recent economic research.
Papers should be submitted electronically as pdf-files to
the Annual Conference organizers through Conference Maker
at the following web site:
Deadline for paper submission is: March 15, 2020
Authors are allowed to submit more than one paper. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed according to a quality and fast referee process. Authors will be notified whether their paper is accepted for presentation at the conference not later than March 30, 2020.
For further information, see the conference web site:
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