Call for papers 4th Conference Understanding Voluntary and Forced Migration 4 May 2020 at Lille France
Dear colleagues,
On May 4, 2020, the University of Lille is hosting the 4th edition of the conference “Understanding Voluntary and Forced Migration” (https://lillemigration.univ-lille.fr). The conference is co-organized with the Research Centre LEM, CNRS.
The organizing committee invites the submission of high-quality academic papers that use different datasets (administrative, survey, experimental). Topics related to the voluntary and forced migration include but are not limited to:
- What drives mobility and the choice of migratory routes?
- What influences the choice of the destination country?
- What factors and policies influence socio-economic integration of migrants?
- What shapes native attitudes towards migrants?
- What is the difference between forced and voluntary migration?
- What do we know about climate refugees?
A discussant will be assigned to each paper presented at the conference.
Keynote speaker: Michel Beine (CREA, University of Luxembourg), “Assessing the Role of Immigration Policy for Foreign Students: the Case of Campus France”
Submission deadline: 1 March, 2020
If you would like to submit a paper (only full papers are accepted), please send a pdf file on
Authors will be notified about the acceptance of papers and the conference program by the end of March, 2020.
We will be grateful if you can forward the information to colleagues / graduate students who might be interested.
Best wishes,
Organizers: Nadiya Ukrayinchuk and Xavier Chojnicki
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