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JMA 2024 Lille - Call for papers

31 January 2024 Call for papers
Published by Manon GARROUSTE
Viewed 2231 times

Dear colleagues, LEM (Lille Economics Management), together with ETHICS EA 7446 (Experience, Technology & Human Interactions, Care & Society) and LITL (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Transitions de Lille) are pleased to announce that the 40th Applied Microeconomics Days will be held at: Lille, France, on 6 and 7 June 2024 on the campus of the Université Catholique de Lille. The deadline for submission of papers is January 31, 2024. The inaugural lecture will be given by Ghazala Azmat, Professor of Economics at Sciences Po Paris. The JMA’s job market will give the opportunity to PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers to signal themselves in the program as candidates for the next recruitment campaigns. The Revue économique will devote a special issue for this conference in September 2025. For further information: We look forward to welcoming you to Lille, The JMA 2024 team

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