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2nd AFET conference

31 October 2024 Conference
Viewed 8 times

The 2nd conference of the Association Française d'Economie des Transports (AFET) will be held at the Paris School of Economics on Wednesday November 20 and Thursday November 21, 2024, with the support of La Fabrique de la Cité, Université Gustave Eiffel and the Chaire New Deal Urbain. The aim of the conference is to promote scientific work in the field of transport economics and provide a forum for exchanges with the socio-economic world.

The quasi-final program for the conference can be viewed below:

It includes 12 presentations spread over 4 plenary sessions, as well as the display and presentation of 5 posters over the 2 days. David Martimort (TSE) will give the guest lecture on the subject of freeway concession contracts, and a round-table discussion on "everyday mobility" will bring together political and economic players. Last but not least, the "Prix AFET-Fabrique de la Cité en économie des transports" will be awarded to the best paper submitted by a PhD researcher (or researchers), or those with no more than 5 years post-doctorate seniority.

Registration for the conference is open until 31/10/2024. To cover the various costs, all participants (except masters and doctorate students) will be required to pay a registration fee of 100 euros for AFET members (up to date with their membership at the time of the conference) and 160 euros for non-members. Although access to the conference is free for AFET members, masters and doctorate students are also required to register.

To register for the conference :

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