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What place for the environment in economic research?

21 December 2023 Workshop
Viewed 242 times

The Natural Resources and Local Economy Chair at the University of Lorraine and BETA ( [ | ] ) is pleased to invite you to a half-day seminar to be held in the seminar room at the Maison de la Recherche on rue Baron Louis in Nancy on January 22, 2024, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.

Focusing on the question: "What place does the environment have in economic research today? ", will feature two round tables moderated with BETA's Chaire Economie Finance et Numérique (EFNUM).


* 9am-9:30am: Coffee reception
* 9:30am-11am: Round table on finance and climate with Clément Mathonnat , Julien Thavard and Sophie Béreau
* 11am-12pm: Round table on the economy and the environment with Lesly Cassin and Maxime Desmaray-Trembley
* 12:15pm: Buffet

To register for this event, please complete the survey below now (please note that places are limited!) before December 21, 2024.


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