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Journée Jeunes Chercheurs CREM March 15 in Rennes

18 January 2024 Employment
Viewed 52 times

TheCREM laboratory (Centre de recherche en Economie Management) is organizing a "young researchers" day on March 15, 2024 in Rennes.Interested candidates are invited to send a CV and Job Market Paper to by February 26, 2024 .
The young researchers selected will have the opportunity to give an oral presentation of their work and meet CREM researchers and lecturers. The event will take place face-to-face, but potential adjustments could be made for an online presentation if required.
For information, there are two Associate Professor positions open at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rennes, with research support from CREM ( Centre de recherche en économie & management).
  • a position in Environmental Economics
  • a position in Digital and AI Economics, Economics of Innovation

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