Call for candidates for the partial renewal of the AFSE Board of Directors
Dear member,
Our bylaws stipulate that the term of office of an AFSE Board member is four years. Consequently, the eight members of the Board elected in 2020 will see their term of office come to an end.
We will therefore proceed with the election of 8 members, for a mandate covering the period 2024-2028.
Here's the schedule:
April 4: applications open
May 5: closing date for applications
May 6: publication of the list of candidates and opening of electronic voting
May 16: close of voting (11pm)
May 17: publication of results on the AFSE website
Any paid-up member of the association may stand for election. There is no limit to the number of mandates held.
The Board meets five times a year (either in Paris, where the association is headquartered, or remotely), as well as at the annual AFSE Congress. Naturally, AFSE will cover any travel expenses incurred for Board meetings.
These meetings are used to define AFSE's main lines of action, to launch the organization of the annual conference, to participate in the jury for the thesis prizes, and to discuss the scientific content of the various events organized or co-organized by AFSE throughout the year. CD members may also be asked to sit on the jury for the AFSE Book Prize or the Malinvaud Prize. They can also choose to get involved in one of the various working groups to promote the AFSE blog, or to work on the content of the website and in particular to think about setting up an observatory of recruitment in higher education, to contribute to the development of the AFSE "Job Market" which works to promote the professional integration of PhDs in economics, or to work on setting up joint events with international European associations.
As you know, the AFSE aims to bring together all economists, whether they belong to the University, the Grandes Ecoles, the Administration or Business, in order to encourage the exchange of knowledge that specialization sometimes makes difficult. It is important for the Board to embody this diversity by bringing together researchers and economists of different generations, geographical origins and sensibilities, in order to promote and defend the profession of economist, and ensure the dissemination of economic research.
Candidates must submit their application and CV electronically(afse@wanadoo.fr and secretariatafse@gmail.com) by the May 5, 2024 deadline.
The first official meeting of the new CD will take place in September 2024, although the newly elected members will be invited to attend the CD at the Bordeaux Congress in June.
For the record, the 8 outgoing members are:
ALSIF Anne-Sophie
BENHAMOU Françoise
RAGOT Lionel
You can check the validity of your contribution for the current year in your personal space.
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